Magnus Ulfstedt - Drums

Magnus Henriksson - Bass, vocals

Peter Östros - Lead guitar

In 1997 Henriksson, Östros and I tried to put together a new line up of Neon Balls, but we failed. 
This forced us to do something as a trio. We used to jam a lot during this period and we wanted to
do some gigs. We came up with the easy solution to form a Jimi Hendrix Tribute Band. We did a
couple of gigs but at the end of the year me and Henriksson felt that it was getting boring to just
do Hendrix stuff so we split the band.

We had a lot of fun during this period of our lifes. With this band it was the first time that I had a gig
at Pub Anchor, and that goes for the other two aswell. It's been a lot of gigs for us there since then.
The name From The Sky came from the song "Up From The Skies".